A window of opportunity provides a short period of time during which an opportunity must be acted on or missed.
Life consists of ups and some downs, which provide windows of opportunity to precipitate the realization of desired goals.
One such life story is that of Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa.
In the late 1980s, Alfredo got into the United States from Mexico in the hope of bettering his life. But unlike many others before him and after him, he had a sense of mission – he wanted to become a surgeon.
He started by picking weeds, and then got a better job working a tractor. He then moved on to become a welder. He was later able to go to a community college and learnt English, followed later by studies at the University of California, Berkeley. He then got his U.S. citizenship, and a Harvard Medical School scholarship — he graduated cum laude, and went on to serve as Head of Neurology at Johns Hopkins Medical School.
Alfredo achieved his dream – not through a big door opening to him – but through a series of small steps.
Or take Kiran Desai, originally from India but now resident in the United States, who took the opportunity to write a novel that was in part about an illegal immigrant’s experience of America. Why hadn’t anyone thought of doing the same before she did? For her unique work, she won the Man Booker Prize.
Or Arnold Schwarzenegger, who left his native Austria as the world’s strongest man title holder to seek new opportunities in the United States, first in acting roles and then entered the political arena as governor of the state of California.
Excerpts from Rexford’s book,
“Creating Your Future – Keys to Recognizing, Preparing and Going for Opportunities” – available in print and ebook formats.
Order TODAY at http://www.CreatingUrFuture.com