Perhaps you dropped out of school early due to family or financial reasons or your own poor choices. Or you did complete college but have not studied or done anything more since graduating. “So what do I need to do, or how do I start?” you might ask. Even if you have been out of formal schooling for decades, it does not preclude you from expanding your knowledge base.
Make use of educational and personal development opportunities and avenues. It does not have to be formal education like attending a college.
Like business philosopher Jim Rohn said, “Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.”
There are other sources like the internet, TV, radio, seminars, as well as a vast array of educational resources on digital media including CDs and DVDs.
Have an enquiring mind. If you have children or grandchildren, teach them the same. One of my key interests is the airline industry, so whenever I come across information relating to that – whether it is about new commercial aircraft, airports, airline management, routing, disasters, etc – I try and get as much information as possible. You will be amazed at the wealth of information you will have amassed in a short space of time.
Develop a reading culture. Cultivate your mind by developing a habit of reading. A reading culture reduces time that a person could have been idle, filling that time with reading useful material. Read biographies, success stories, and other literature that stretch your thinking and strengthen your belief. If you are a slow reader, register on a training program that teaches speed reading. If you find reading difficult, then listen to audio material and/or watch educative videos.
Excerpts from Rexford’s book,
“Creating Your Future – Keys to Recognizing, Preparing and Going for Opportunities” – available in print and ebook formats.
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